Students of the program have little time for distractions. Harry Beaver, command sergeant major for the PEC, pointing out one of the keys to the program's success rate. "We bring them in and take away all distractions so they can be successful," said Command Sgt. Implemented in 2006, the program, which runs anywhere from 12 to 21 days based on the students' test scores prior to enlisting, has seen more than 5,100 attendees with more than 85 percent earning their GED, according to school officials.

In order to reach that goal, those in the program attend a resident course at the Army National Guard's Professional Education Center here that prepares them to complete the GED exam. The GED Plus program allows non-high school graduates to enlist in the Army National Guard with the stipulation they earn their GED prior to attending Basic Combat Training. Scheduled for completion in early 2010, the training complex will allow for up to 7,500 students to pass through the program each year. The Army National Guard broke ground on an $18.4 million construction project here Sunday that will triple the capacity of those that attend its GED Plus program.